Finally, a fitness solution that fits you.

You lead a busy life.  You can't always get to the gym, or some days you just don't feel motivated.  Or perhaps going to a gym intimidates you - the equipment looks complex and the classes... well, overwhelming.  You know you need to work out, for your health, for your well-being and to look good, but it's not always easy.

That's about to change.  With Equilibrium Personal Training and Fitness Solutions you have a personal coach to guide you through a safe, effective, balanced and scientifically based fitness/lifestyle program designed so that you achieve your goals! Best of all, it's done in your home, at your convenience, on your schedule.


Forget the drill sergeant.  Equilibrium's approach is firm yet supportive.

With Equilibrium, your individual situation is the priority.  More than simply a trainer, you'll have a caring expert to work alongside you to get the results you want.  Your trainer will be knowledgeable and encouraging - tough when it's required, gentle when you need it.  But don't be fooled thinking this home training is too easy! Just get ready to enjoy this ultimate customized fitness experience.


Developed just for you - and delivered right to your door!

At Equilibrium, personalized training programs include one-on-one or semi-private training, outdoor workouts, sport specific conditioning, Pilates, fitness evaluations and nutritional guidance.


Gym equipment? - helpful, but not necessary.

Your trainer brings what you need!*

Train as little or often as you like - whatever suits your time and budget.

If you prefer, training can also be provided at select studios in the GTA or your corporate fitness facilities.



*Heavy free weights for intense training must be provided by client.